COVID-19 cases in the community Dec. 14, 2022 – El Dorado News-Times

Below are the number of COVID-19 cases, active cases, and deaths recorded on Wednesday, December 14, 2022 in Union County, Arkansas, the United States and the world. Additionally, local and state testing, recovery, hospitalization and vaccine information is provided.
The data was gathered from the Arkansas Department of Health for Union County and Arkansas, and from Johns Hopkins University for the U.S. and world.
Union County
10,998 cases (+8)
43 active cases (+2)
10,753 recoveries (+6)
200 deaths (+0)
46,498 vaccine doses administered (-1)
49.2% county population fully immunized
76,375 tests reported
65,065 negative test results
In the Southwest hospital region of the state, where Union County sits, 32 people were hospitalized due to COVID-19 Wednesday. Two were in intensive care units and two were on ventilator support due to COVID.
976,277 cases (+640)
204,176 pediatric cases (+74)
6,141 active cases (+118)
744 active pediatric cases (+30)
957,244 recoveries (+513)
12,647 deaths (+9)
263 hospitalized; 49 in ICUs; 19 on ventilator support
4,556,574 vaccine doses administered (+1,793)
1,690,737 Arkansans fully immunized (+0)
7,786,598 tests reported
6,787,350 negative test results
United States
99,653,707 cases
1,085,976 deaths
651,005,401 cases
6,658,312 deaths
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