Wenstrup to Hold First Hearing on COVID Origins – United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability – House Committee on Oversight and Reform |

This is the panel’s first hearing in the 118th Congress; media must RSVP
WASHINGTON—Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup will hold the panel’s first hearing of the 118th Congress on “Investigating the Origins of COVID-19,” to gather facts about the origination of the virus that has claimed nearly seven million lives globally. Mounting evidence continues to point to the virus originating from a lab leak, with the Department of Energy and Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Christopher Wray announcing this week they believe, based on their evaluation of the evidence, COVID-19 likely came from a lab leak in Wuhan.
“The American people deserve real answers after years of suffering through the Coronavirus pandemic and related government policies. This investigation must begin with where and how this virus came about so that we can attempt to ‘predict, prepare, protect, or prevent’ it from happening again. Government scientists and government funded researchers have so far been less-than-forthcoming in their knowledge and actions, including work with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and potential pandemic pathogens. We can’t accept more years of stonewalling; the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic is committed to conducting a proper investigation that the American people have demanded. We look forward to hearing from our esteemed witnesses next week about their research on this topic,” said Select Subcommittee Chairman Wenstrup.
WHAT: Hearing titled “Investigating the Origins of COVID-19”
DATE: Wednesday, March 8, 2023
TIME: 9:00 AM ET
LOCATION: 2154 Rayburn House Office Building
Dr. Robert Redfield, M.D.
Former Director
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Dr. Jamie Metzl, Ph.D.
Senior Fellow
The Atlantic Council
Mr. Nicholas Wade
Former Science and Health Editor The New York Times
Former Editor Science
Former Editor Nature
*more witnesses may be added later*
The hearing will be open to the public and press and will be livestreamed online at https://oversight.house.gov/. Press must be congressionally credentialed and must RSVP by emailing oversightgoppressrsvp@mail.house.gov.
Read More:
Wenstrup & Comer Launch First Select Subcommittee Investigation into COVID Origins and U.S. Taxpayer Dollars Funneled to the Wuhan Lab
Wenstrup & Comer Widen COVID Origins Investigation
