Coronavirus tally: U.S. cases, hospitalizations and test positivity are still climbing steadily – Morningstar

U.S. known cases of COVID are rising, along with hospitalizations, fatalities and test positivity, The daily average for new cases stood at 65,528 on Monday, according to a New York Times tracker, up 56% from two weeks ago. The average for hospitalizations was up 24% at an average of 38,331 while the number of deaths was up 48% to 468. Test positivity has climbed 25% to 12%. With flu, RSV and other respiratory illnesses also circulating, experts are cautioning that it’s sensible to wear a face mask in indoor public settings. Globally, the confirmed case tally rose above 649.9 million on Tuesday, according to data aggregated by Johns Hopkins, while the death toll is above 6.65 million with the U.S leading the world with 99.5 million cases and 1,084,651 fatalities.
-Ciara Linnane
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
12-13-22 0727ET
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